Saturday, June 26, 2010

Hey dirty lookin',watcha been cookin' ?

We often come across the term 'dirty looks' in our day to day lives in a variety of situations,which may mean a variety of things. The thing about dirty looks is that they are a sure shot way to get your message across to that person you don't want to communicate with directly,but instead just look at,in a dirty manner. It's like you're telling him or her,"hey u there,I want (a)this (b)that (c) those ( d)you to____ ,etc,etc...,but I don't want to tell you on your face,so I'm giving you these dirty looks. So fuckface, if u want me to stop, meet my demand(s)"...Screwed up,huh? Some situations where dirty looks would most probably work:

1)Waiter at a restaurant disgusted at guy who leaves like a 2 buck tip. Dirty look says "Prick ,if u weren't born in a bin,you'd leave at least a twenty and stick this coin you've apparently left for me, up your miserly ass".

2)Dude expecting his buddy to pass a fag he's been sucking on since the past 240 seconds and 21 puffs..look says "gimme the goddamn cigarette,no one ever needs an entire one at any point of time;n we are buddies,I'd never allow you to do anything dangerous and stupid.....alone"

3)Student in class to prof who's overshot time by a good 5 mins...."Chill out Mr.,both you and I know neither of us is having any exceptional fun;so instead of pissing me off and getting pissed off seeing that I'm pissed off, why don't you kindly piss off right now?

4)Guy to girl not getting any action..."You're nowhere as hot as a biyach I'd choose to bang with the money I'm spending on you,yet I can't even second base you"...(dirty look may include a lecherous gaze at the girl's D cups,provided she has them;if she doesn't,she may reciprocate with a dirty look of her own:"You know you're a BIG fool for dating me,don't you?")

5)Finally my personal favorite; Sober chap to drunk chap.."Damn,you're drunk,aren't you?"..again,reciprocation possible.."Get the fuck out of my way or else I will chop your fuckin balls off"

Any situations you can think off will be greatly appreciated and greeted with dirty looks ("Wow, this dickhead fancies himself a smartass")

Happy dirty lookin' !!!!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Where eagles dare

A pin prick is all it takes,
To get me from high to low,
Though it brought me to senses,
I wish it had been slow
The speed with which it did,
Didn't make me cry out in pain,
But it did set me brooding,
About how all those highs were in vain
Blood oozes out,the river of life,
And takes away a part of mine,
I close my eyes and say a prayer,
That I'll get through,that I'll be fine
I look ahead and see a road,
But the lights on it flicker and die,
Forced to accept my fate I stand,
I do not smile,nor do I sigh
Just as I am about to turn and leave,
Something within me lights up and says,
Do not stop fighting,do not give up,
Your fire shall light your ways
I trust the voice and love its sound,
Miraculously fueled by it's fury,
Now I know,now I am convinced,
I am my master,and my own jury
The inferno within wells up mighty,
And lights the road to god knows where,
But I smile and look to the skies,
For I know I shall dare where eagles dare.